For what this particular compressor was purchased to do, I have absolutely no complaints what so ever! I procured the compressor at Lowe’s for $369.00. I have used my nail gun sporadically, however, not nearly as much as the other aforementioned air tools. I have run air tools, i.e., impact wrenches, sanders, drills etc. It stays in my “Man Cave” located in my basement. It’s purpose was for home/light work related functions. I purchased my DeWalt D55168 2 1/2 years ago. Hi Mark, MD from NC here to reply to your comments left on March 17, 2018. Dewalt certifies their air tanks for 12-years. Also If you think about it… compressor manufacturers have expiration dates on the air tanks. After all mine is a type 3 (2009 model), it did last nearly a decade. I was originally pretty upset over my compressor situation as a whole but after thinking more about it & taking time to come up with a solution I guess the D55168 is probably a better compressor than the majority in it’s class.

The leaky pressure regulator problem is a $22.00 fix (part number: N008792). For this price I was willing to preformed this repair on my D55168, now it works great once again. Best place I found to purchase it is Home depot on-line. The universal motor/ pump part number is: E106639. Same exact HP motor & CFM pump specifications. It’s exactly the same motor/pump assembly with the exception of a longer drive belt & tensioner pulley. There is an alternate Sanborn universal motor/pump available for under $200.00. Sanborn was purchased back in 1994 by Coleman Powermate. These Dewalt compressors (D55168) motor/pump’s are manufactured by Sanborn industries. So I did a bunch of my own research, found some more information & figured I’d share. I was hoping someone in the industry would have a workaround…nope. They basically can’t help or do any more than what their catalog says. Quick update…I couldn’t rely on Dewalt support or any other parts websight for a solution, I tried. If you own a D55168 sell it before it breaks. My suggestion is buy a traditional style compressor were the motor & pump are mounted separate from one another. Dewalt doesn’t actually build this motor/ pump assembly, the exact same motor/ pump can also be found in Devillbis, Craftsman, Porter Cable, Black & Decker, Bosch & other compressors. This is not a consumer friendly scenario. This problem should be a simple $100.00 max motor replacement if parts were actually available separately. The entire Dewalt D55168 compressor new is only $399.00. The motor can’t be purchased separately, you have to buy the entire motor/ pump assembly & it’s over $500.00 (motor/ pump part no.N041594SV). Make share your compressor is stored away from any flammables. If you own one of these when the motor finally fails (trust me it eventually will), it loses power & starts shooting sparks everywhere like a blow torch. My compressor has suffered both failures.

They push these little compressors to their max at the preset 200psi tank pressure. These compressors apparently are prone to have air pressure regulator problems leaking internally & electric motor failures. When it worked it was great for it’s small compact size. I’ve got this Dewalt D55168 compressor too.

DeWALT offers a one year warranty on this product. It is compact for it its power and ran every air tool we threw at it with ease. To sum it all up I like this compressor a lot it has worked well for every situation we have used it in. At the bottom is a drain ball valve to drain the unit when not in use, I would have like to have seen this with a little more clearance from the ground as less than an inch of clearance. The unit is powdered coated in classic DeWALT yellow. below that is a safety blow out valve and the off/auto switch which turns off the compressor when it hits roughly 200 PSI. The regulated pressure is adjusted by a dial to the right of the gauges.

Rather than bore you with his findings, because I still can’t figure out what he was doing, I will just make it simple and you can watch the video for his findings.Īt the top of the compressor is the business end, it has a 2 gauges, tank pressure and regulated pressure, the gauges are easy to read. When the truck dropped this unit off from ACME tools Eric immediately got out his pen and paper and started testing the unit, I had no idea what the heck he was yapping about or what he was testing for.
D55168 FREE
It produces 200 psi and was surprisingly quiet for an oil free pump. It has a ample 15 gallon tank and produces 5.4 SCFM 90psi to allow for quick recovery times. The D55168 is the perfect compressor for a small shop or home garage. Compressors come in all shapes and sizes, for a workshop compressor you need a big tank to run your air tools and a high SCFM to keep the tool running.